Student Exchange Program
An amazing opportunity in the form of an edutainment trip to Australia was bestowed upon us by
Adhyapana and our students were not sure about the captivating moments waiting for them to
rejoice and the rest was a great life experience for all!
The team lead by Principal Mrs.Rincy Jose, Head Mistress Mrs. Chitra, HOD of Music
Department Mr.Godson, Senior Hindi Teacher Mrs. Rukmini, with 3 Parents Mr. Jose Thomas
F/O Maria Jose of Std IX, Mrs. Suja M/O Sivanuja of Std XII, Mr. Uthaman F/O
Alagumeenakshi of Std X and 29 students embarked on this happy journey on 22 nd April 2019 for
Melbourne, Australia to visit the partnership schools Monterey Secondary College, Alder Court
Primary School and Mahogany Rise Primary School, Melbourne, Australia. We boarded the
flight from Trichy airport and after 18 hours in the air we finally reached Melbourne. The
warmth and kindness of the host families exceeded our expectations. Not only they made our
students feel welcome in their homes but also went out of their way to ensure that their guests
from far away land experienced their way of life, culture, and cuisine.
As per the itinerary, our students got the most of each visit to the schools in Australia. We were shown the famous sight-seeing places of the city – such as Melbourne Star, Botanical Garden, Luna Park, Nepean School, Moonlit Sanctuary, Temple visit, Arthur Seat, Museum, etc. which were all quite a stunning experience!
The cultural activities were a resounding success. Students and teachers performed various cultural activities on Rotary dinner where Indian food prepared by us was served to everyone. It was a very enthralling experience for parents, teachers, and students.
We came back to Singapore on 5th May 2019. It was very exciting to take a tour of Singapore on a bus. The bus moved from one avenue to the other and took us on a sightseeing of the city. The Universal Studio was a mixture of thrills and rides. Later at Mustafa Shopping Centre, it was a jaw-dropping moment where one can buy almost anything. On the whole students and teachers collected lovable memories to share it with their friends and family back in Madurai. And for
Adhyapanites, it was all possible through the Students' exchange program.
Report on the visit of the partner schools from Australia in the year 2017
25 students and 6 teachers from Monterey Secondary College, Alder Court Primary School and Mahogany Rise Primary School, Melbourne, Australia visited Adhyapana School, CBSE Madurai on 24.07.2017 and departed on 29.07.2017. The schools began their partnership in 2016. This was a reciprocal visit from the partners which was arranged by Frankston North, Rotary Club, Australia.
The friends from Australia were hosted by some of the students and teachers of Adhyapana. Special Assemblies were conducted every morning in school. They were taken out for sight-seeing and shopping every day. A day’s trip to Kodaikanal on 25th July 2017 for them was a memorable one.
My Dream Come True Moments in the year 2017 - Mrs. Kalpana Srinivasan
My trip to Australia was a dream come true. A group of students including my fellow teachers and I was captivated to embark on a joyful journey of seeing the new world. Excitement filled the journey from the time we boarded the plane here at Madurai, my hometown. This epic trip was organized by my school management as an Exchange Program. We reached Melbourne via Colombo and Kuala Lumpur.
We received a very warm welcome at the Melbourne airport. After the formal introduction, we were joined by our hosts and taken to their respective homes. Here, I would like to add something about my host Mrs.Ketthie, a very humble lady who took care of me during the whole trip. She made delicious food and created a homely atmosphere, I never felt away from home.
We started our expedition as per the itinerary. We visited popular sight-seeing places in and around Melbourne. Melbourne star, Moonlit Sanctuary and Aquarium; to name a few. We did a boat-load of shopping at the Caribbean Market, and enjoyed the Cable car ride at Eagle, where it was total invisibility due to dense fog.
As ours was an edutaining exchange program, school visits were an integral part of the trip. We visited Alder Court School. I was awestruck to see the huge and spacious classrooms. The blend of new technology and teaching methodology rapt me and deported me to a different world. We exchanged preeminent practices that enriched the thoughts and camaraderie.
My Life Time Journey in the year 2018 - Mrs. Yamini Visalachi
My summer holiday began on a wonderful note. A trip to Australia on a student exchange programme was a beginning to great learning and sharing experience.
I was one of the four teachers who accompanied the students who visited four schools in Melbourne – Australia. Six primary students and I were hosted by the Principal Mr John Culley and the students of Mahogany Rise. Our hosts made sure that we never missed our family back in India.
A lot of interaction with the teachers and students during school hours learning and sharing our ideas, sightseeing to places like Mornington Peninsula, aquarium etc. were definitely memorable visits.
We visited schools like Range bank Primary School, Monterey College, Kananook Primary School, and school for special needs.
We gave the Rotarians a taste of Indian food when we cooked and served them Peas Pulav and Paneer Butter Masala at the Rotary dinner get together. We also presented a cultural show at the dinner and the partner schools.
I take this opportunity to thank Aruna Ma’am Dean Sir and the Adhyapana Managing Committee for giving me such an enriching and memorable trip.