The 13th Annual Day of Adhyapana School, Madurai, was celebrated on April 12 and 13. RJ Jackson Durai of Radio City was the chief guest on the first day. A performance titled ‘Veera Yuga Nayagan’ was performed by students of KG to V. It depicted the legendary tale of Vel Paari, a brave warrior known for his generosity and chivalry. M.K. Karthikeyan, national president of JCI-India, was the chief guest on the second day. The students staged ‘Kadambavana Kalari’ showcasing the playful antics of Lord Shiva and 21 padalams of the Thiruvilayadal. Principal Rincy Jose and Senior Principal Aruna M Visvessvar presented the annual reports highlighting the school’s achievements in academics, extracurricular activities, and infrastructure development.
Annual Day at Adhyapana